White Jade Frog 243g
White Jade Frog 243g
This White Jade Frog 243g is a beautiful example of this stone from Pakistan.
Jade is a traditional good luck stone, bringing wealth and abundance. Jade is used to refer to two different minerals, Nephrite and Jadeite. Some green stones, such as Aventurine, are also sometimes referred to as jade.
Nephrite is a calcium magnesium silicate. It rings like a bell when struck hard. It is commonly pale to dark green with yellowish hues. These hues can also be white, grey, brown, and black.
Chakra: Crown Chakra
Colour: brown, grey, green, yellow, white
Emotional: anger, calming, depression, inner peace, joy, love, patience, relationships
Mental/intellectual: creativity, peace of mind, thinking processes
Spiritual: abundance, access to spiritual realm, astral travel, connection with nature, counteracts karmic influences, dreams, harmony, peace, prosperity, protection, relegates evil spirits, transmutation
Astrology: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra
Numbers:1, 5, 9, 11
Crystal system: monoclinic
Location: Nephrite: New Zealand, also Australia, Canada, China, Pakistan, Russia, USA (Alaska and Wyoming), Zimbabwe
Rarity: rarer
Mineral Class: Nephrite: Actinolite