About Us

About Rocks and Things Store

Rocks and Things Store has a large and wide range of popular and rarer crystals, fossils and minerals. We have over 4000 items in stock for you to explore, with more added daily.

Our big range includes many spheres, obelisks, raw crystals and mineral specimens in their natural form and more.

Rocks and Things Store also features a large range of amazing crystals, carvings and specimens through our exclusive arrangement with Lawrence Handicrafts based in Karachi, Pakistan.

What we think about the large Rocks and Things Store range is said in our motto:

Our World Rocks

Rocks and Things Store was started by its owner Mark Feigan in 2019. Mark loves crystals, minerals and fossils. Mark had a strong childhood hobby interest in crystals and minerals.

For him, it seemed natural to go on to study geology after finishing high school. Back then, his answer generally would be 'Rocks and Things', when people asked him: 'what is geology?’. His fellow students at RMIT University said the same.

His studies and career though then went in a different direction for the next 30+ years. Mark has a Masters in Social Sciences from RMIT University and a History/Politics PhD from La Trobe University. These studies related to a long career in social policy, disability advocacy and public administration.

Mark's crystal journey was rekindled on a road trip along the beautiful Eastern Australian coastline in 2019. He started Rocks and Things Store at the Kingsbury Drive Community Market based at the La Trobe University Melbourne campus, where he had studied, soon after.

Mark called his stall Celeste Crystals when he first started. He changed the name in 2023, feeling it better reflected his long-term interest in crystals, geology, rocks and related things.

Mark now travels to many markets, sharing his passion with the people who find their way to his stall. Mark tries to have every kind of crystal and stone that customers might ask him about.

He does try, though this is impossible with more than 4000 minerals found on our beautiful world. Crystals from our world and sometimes other worlds are a wonderful way to access this beauty and power of nature and creation.

Beautiful Healing Crystals

Most of the Rocks and Things Store collection is available in the showroom, which Mark has setup in his loungeroom. If you are nearby, you are welcome to visit the showroom and have a look for yourself.

Mark at the Kingsbury Drive Community Market, Jan 2024