About Lawrence Handicrafts

Australia/Pakistan Partnership

Mark and Lawrence formed a partnership in 2022 to bring amazing crystal specimens and carvings from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and elsewhere to Australia.

Lawrence owns and operates an artisan workshop in Karachi employing local craftsmen. They work on the stones that Lawrence sources from the historic precious and semi-precious gemstone and stone wholesale markets in Karachi. Lawrence is a skilled craftsman himself. He personally produces by hand all of the amazing animal carvings that you find here.

Lawrence travelled in November 2023 to the gem fields of Afghanistan. He went there to source the latest finds available from there for us. These stones have now arrived. They include amazing Afghan Jade, Aquamarine, Emerald, Ruby and Tourmaline. He went again in August 2024, and more are on their way.

Lawrence also sources beautiful stones from Skardu and new gem fields in Pakistan. These include Agate, Aegirine, Amethyst, Bumblebee, Caribbean, Chocolate and Mangano calcites, Epidote, Fluorite, Quartz specimens and other amazing crystals and minerals. There are new mines opening in the border regions with exciting new finds becoming available for the first time.

Wholesale queries in any quantities for all items from the Lawrence Handicrafts range are welcome. Contact Mark for details and pricing.