General Crystal Healing Recommendations

About our general recommendations

These are Mark's general recommendations for crystal healing of common needs. In these pages you can look through the lists to find suggestions based on traditional crystal healing lore. As always, trust in your intuition, to choose between different alternatives.

These general recommendations are organised into alphabetical groups. The links on the four recommendation pages will take you to the appropriate collection in the Rocks and Things Store.

Think about the word or words that describe the issue or need you want to address. You can then look through the alphabetical list for that word or a word with a similar meaning. Trust your intuition.

Recommendations for 150+ common needs

These common needs and the recommendations are organised into four alphabetical lists found on the following pages.

A - D:  Abundance - Detoxifying A-D page link
E - L:  Emotional growth - Luck E-L page link
M - R:  Magic - Restoration M-R page link
S - W:  Self-belief - Wisdom S-W page link

Take Care Always

A reminder, crystals and stones can do no harm used properly. Many crystals are completely safe and harmless.

Not all crystals are safe to use and handle. Some elements found in minerals and ores are highly toxic. These will cause serious harm if swallowed or make contact with the mouth, eyes or other vulnerable body parts.

Please do not use crystals, minerals or ores without first investigating their safety for your intended use.

These crystals, minerals and ores should not be handled without precautions and careful hand washing afterwards. Children need adult supervision in handling these unsafe crystals, minerals and ores.

While most crystals used properly are completely safe, there is also no guarantee that they provide the help you are looking for. Mark is not aware of any evidence-based proof that crystal healing provides benefits. Crystal healing is based on traditional lore, not scientific research.

Metaphysical crystal healing does not rely on belief in its effectiveness, but it can be affected by a whole range of related practices such as cleansing, clearing, intentions and meditation.

Do not rely only on crystal healing for any medical condition that needs assessment and treatment by qualified medical practitioners.

Looking after yourself can include crystal healing. Do not allow this potential benefit to lead instead to self-neglect. Always seek medical advice when you have a health condition.

Feel free to Contact Us to discuss options or find out more.

Huge Amethyst twinned crystal 3400g Rocks and Things