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Red Jasper obelisk 110mm 430g

Red Jasper obelisk 110mm 430g

Regular price $124.00 AUD
Regular price $136.00 AUD Sale price $124.00 AUD
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This Red Jasper obelisk 110mm is medium sized. It weighs 430g. Red Jasper is abundant with grounding Earth energy. Red Jasper gives a deep connection to the energies of our beautiful planet. This brings a deep0er appreciation of the connection between humans and nature.

Red Jasper is gentle. It works slowly and effectively as a calming stone. This makes it an excellent choice if you are sensitive to the energy of other crystals. Red Jasper helps you to stay in control of your emotional responses in difficult, aggressive or competitive situations. It reduces the chances of you giving into your gut reaction when this is not desirable. Try holding Red Jasper when facing an emotional situation where you need to keep your head.

Chakra: Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra

Colour: red, blood red, red brown

Emotional: attraction, calming, change, compassion, confidence, control, courage, fear, generosity, grief, joy, nervousness, mood swings, new beginnings, passion, peace-of-mind, relaxation, stress, trauma, trust, understanding

Mental/intellectual: apathy, determination, decisiveness, empathy, endurance, focus, insights, inspiration, intuition, goal setting, leadership, motivation, organisation, presence, self-discipline, selflessness

Physical: addictions, blood, childbirth, fertility, lethargy, libido, longevity, pregnancy, sexuality

Spiritual: abundance, awareness, enlightenment, grounding, knowledge, luck, manifestation, meditation, prosperity, stabilising, transformation, wholeness

Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Mars

Number: 6

Crystal system: microcrystalline

Location: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany

Rarity: common

Mineral Class: silicates

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