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Ocean Moss Agate obelisk 35*147mm 413g

Ocean Moss Agate obelisk 35*147mm 413g

Regular price $168.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $168.00 AUD
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Oh! so wonderful

This Oh! so wonderful Ocean Moss Agate obelisk 35*147mm weighs 413g. It is formed from the beautiful stone found only in Madagascar. It has green fronds and tendrils waving in a sea of white caps and blue ocean depths. It activates the Heart, Throat and Crown Chakras.

Trauma release

Moss Agate is a form of Chalcedony with embedded green minerals formed from oxidised Iron, Manganese and other elements. These green strands in the stone have the appearance of moss-like tendrils. It is not a true agate as it lacks agate banding.

In Madagascar there is a significant variation, commonly called Ocean Moss Agate. This stone features mostly soft blues, instead of the predominant milky-white of Moss Agate.

Location: Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uraguay, USA, Yemen

Rarity: rarer

Crystal system and habit: cryptocrystalline

Mineral group: silicates

Chakra: Heart Chakra

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