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Blue Chalcedony polished crystal 5-6g

Blue Chalcedony polished crystal 5-6g

Regular price $4.00 AUD
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Chalcedony is the group of cryptocrystalline quartz minerals that form in masses, sometimes in geodes. It can be opaque or translucent, depending on inclusions.
Chalcedony varieties include Agate, Carnelian, Aventurine, Grape Agate, Jasper, Onyx, Bloodstone and Chrysoprase.
All Chalcedonies are soothing and calming. Chalcedony absorbs negativity and promotes harmony. Chalcedony balances the body, emotions, mind and spirit. Chalcedony is a stone of union and fellowship. It promotes group stability and lessens hostility.
Blue Chalcedony is a rare form of Chalcedony that has been mined in a region of Turkey for thousands of years. It calms the emotional body and promotes creativity, mental flexibility and verbal dexterity. It is a stone for creativity. Blue Chalcedony improves memory. It is used to support learning a new language. Blue Chalcedony improves self-perception and gives feelings of light-heartedness and optimism. Blue Chalcedony can also raise difficult emotions that you have been supressing. It will help you recognise and deal with these emotions so that you may continue the process of personal growth and betterment.
Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third Eye
Colour: blue
Emotional: calming, fear, generosity, happiness, inspiration, joy, negative emotions, passion, patience, peace of mind, relaxation, stress, understanding,
Mental/intellectual: decisiveness, determination, empathy, intuition, leadership, motivation, new beginnings, presence, self-expression, truth
Physical: anti-inflammatory, blood pressure, body temperature (lowers), energy, immune system, longevity, lungs, mucus membranes, nourishment, nurturing, PTSD, rejuvenation, respiration
Spiritual: alignment, awakening, awareness, bridging, communication, enlightenment, growth, inner peace, inner vision, knowledge, life path, lucid dreaming, meditation, psychic abilities, purification, synchronicity, transformation, wholeness, wisdom
Astrology: Aries, Neptune
Crystal system: cryptocrystalline
Location: Turkey
Rarity: rarer
Mineral Class: silicates

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