Black Tourmaline 3 crystals 10g
Black Tourmaline 3 crystals 10g
These Black Tourmaline 3 crystals flash with rainbows in strong light. They weigh 10g.
Black Tourmaline is one of the most popular metaphysical stones and is one of the key crystals for a healing kit. The mineral name is Schorl. It is an igneous rock that mostly forms in granite pegmatites. Black Tourmaline is always a solid black. Unlike other tourmaline minerals, it is never translucent or transparent.
It has a distinctive appearance with glossy long striated crystals. This structure and its other properties generate a strong piezoelectric effect, with electrically charged poles at the crystal’s poles. It is also pyroelectric, generating an electric charge through temperature changes. As a result, Black Tourmaline is a highly protective stone, able to block, repel and transmute negative energies.
You can use Black Tourmaline to remove negative energies within a physical space or emanating from another person. Black Tourmaline cleanses, purifies and transmutes dense negative energies into higher positive vibrations. It is used to protect against electromagnetic radiation. It is also used for other disturbances and noise sensitivity. This makes it a recommended stone if you must live or work in a challenging or uncomfortable space.
Black Tourmaline has a calming effect, grounding unhelpful energies into the earth.
Chakra: Root Chakra
Colour: black
Emotional: anger, anxiety, compulsions, criticism, fear, negativity, obsessive behaviours, self-confidence, serenity, stress, tension, understanding, unwanted thoughts
Mental/intellectual: clarity, creativity, understanding
Spiritual: aura balancing, cleansing, clearing, electromagnetic frequencies, extra-terrestrial’s communication, grounding, humility, negative energy, psychic protection, pollution, protection, purification, shielding, transmutation
Astrology: Capricorn, Earth
Numbers: 3, 4
Crystal system: trigonal
Location: Australia, Brazil, China, India, Namibia, Pakistan
Rarity: common
Mineral Class: silicates