Small Black Tourmaline crystals with matrix 12.8ct 2.5g
Small Black Tourmaline crystals with matrix 12.8ct 2.5g
This is a cluster of Black Tourmaline crystals that also includes a tiny clear Elbaite crystal. This tiny crystal is probably Quartz, but it may be Topaz. This specimen weighs 2.5g.
Black Tourmaline is one of the most popular metaphysical stones. The mineral name is Schorl. It is an igneous rock that mostly forms in granite pegmatites. Black Tourmaline is always a solid black and unlike other tourmaline minerals it is never translucent or transparent. It has a distinctive appearance with glossy long striated crystals. This structure and its other properties generate a strong piezoelectric effect, with electrically charged poles at the crystal’s poles. It is also pyroelectric, generating an electric charge through temperature changes. As a result, Black Tourmaline is a highly protective stone, able to block, repel and transmute negative energies.