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UV reactive Sphalerite geode obelisk 1145g

UV reactive Sphalerite geode obelisk 1145g

Regular price $128.00 AUD
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UV reactive Sphalerite

This Obelisk is formed of UV reactive Sphalerite. This is a zinc sulphide mineral that commonly forms with other minerals including Calcite, Dolomite, Fluorite, Galena Pyrite and Quartz. This obelisk strongly reacts to UV light. It fluoresces with bright greens and blues, amongst other vivid colours. This fluorescence is revealing the presence of trace elements and minerals, along with the zinc sulphide. Sphalerite has a range of crystal forms including botryoidal, cubic, tetrahedral and dodecahedral. It is found all over the world and is the most common ore for the extraction of Zinc.

Sphalerite will help you to find the strong sense of self-belief that gives you the courage and drive to achieve your dreams. It helps ready you for the hard work and determination it will take to reach your goals.

Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Colour: commonly silver and grey. Also black, brown, green, red and yellow.

Emotional: attraction, inner peace, motivation, new beginnings

Mental/intellectual: action, adventures, confidence, courage, creativity, determination, focus, intentionality, leadership, organisation, opportunities, presence, resolution, self-discipline, self-expression, sense of purpose, truth, will

Physical: energy, longevity, strength, vitality

Spiritual: awareness, channelling, expansion, grounding, growth, inner vision, life path, manifestation, meditation, power, prosperity, protection, self-discovery,

Astrology: Gemini, Earth

Crystal system: botryoidal, cubic, tetrahedral and dodecahedral

Location: Mexico, Morocco, Switzerland, USA

Rarity: common

Mineral Class: sulphides

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